Saturday, July 13, 2013

[ACH1] Precedent Study : Presentation

The final part in the precedent study is a verbal presentation. The presentation consist of communicating our precedent study to our tutor with the help of the analysis board and miniature model.

At the end of the study, i am able to recognize and recall appropriate verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, styles and periods.

[ACH1] Precedent Study : Model

Considered the most hardest to complete by many, this project requires my group to construct a small proportionate model of Villa Foscari made fully out of balsa wood. The intention of this project is to communicate our gathered analysis in a simpler 3 dimensional form which also include the important structure, components, ideas and concepts of our study.

Model in progress

Site Plan

Section #1

Section #2

Column Detail

Completed Model

[ACH1] Precedent Study : Analysis Presentation Board

The second project was an individual project that requires me to research critical information regarding Villa Foscari and finally produce an A2 size presentation board by hand. 

Analysis Board on Villa Foscari

In this project, I had learnt to construct building analysis which document intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.

[ACH1] Precedent Study : Essay

Architecture Culture & History 1

This project focuses on investigating historical works to enrich architectural design and ideas. This project also requires me to be in group of 4 and conduct analysis on specific building through drawing, model-making, written and verbal presentations.

The first project requires my group to produce a 500 word essay relating to our chosen historical building which is in the Palladianism era called Villa Foscari by Andrea Palladio. The essay contains information that is relevant to the precedent study.

Friday, July 12, 2013

[BMat] Project 2 : Integrated Project

This project is integrated with Architecture Design Studio 1 final project. The aim of this integrated project is to allow students to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge of building materials by applying what they have learnt into their hideout design.

Integrated Building Material Final Presentation Board

Throughout this project, I had learned to apply the understanding of various types of building material which affects the tactile and chemical properties of my spatial design. I had also learned to explore and identify various types of building materials and technology.

[BMat] Project 1A : “Materiality of SPACE: An experiential exploration”

In this first project, I was to introduce various types of building materials that is being used in the current construction practice in a manner of group work and individual work. I had to team up with 5 individuals and select an appropriate building to study the materials used for its construction. I had also further studied the physical and chemical properties of the building materials being used in the building.

Finally we had to produce a presentation board and a mood board to showcase the materials and its properties as a group work.

Presentation Board

Mood Board

We also had to produce an individual board containing sectional parts of the building and describe in detail of its materials.

[BMat] Project 1 : Exercise "My Home My Space"

In the first Building Material exercise, I had to identify 5 basic materials that are used in any space in my home.

With this simple exercise, I had learned to identify materials used in construction and finishes. I had also learned to describe the general usage of materials.

[Studio1] Project 3 : Space For The Self

My City Dreamspace

In Project 3, I was required to design a hideout space for myself by engaging it to the site of an imagined “city” on an empty abandoned plot. The design was inspired by my personal understanding and perception of a hideout based on my character I had created acording to the Movie that I had to chose.

The movie chosen was called The Fifth Element. I decided to build my hideout underground, specifically the sewer line of New York City. Throughout the initial concept design, I had several setbacks as my tutor rejected several ideas due to it not being strong enough and illogical.

Design idea #1

Design idea #2

Design idea #3

After obtaining my final design, I started my drawings on my hideout and finally built a 1:50 scale model made out of brown modelling board.

First view of model

Second view of model

For my final presentation, I had to produce a presentation board as a mean to explain my concept idea and final product to external moderators.

First presentation board

Second presentation board

Presentation panel

[Studio1] Project 2: Self-Expression through Architectural Space

The main aim of Project 2 is to expand on the interpretation of the self (or multiple selves) and how this is to be expressed spatially by exploring the notions of scale and proportion.

In this second project, I had to team up with 2 other individuals and produce a specific structure based on a study on anthropometric and ergonomics. 

First we discussed on a conceptual narrative based on previous assignment. Our design is based on the human nerve system and its 5 senses. With this, we had to construct a structure of cardboard in nature to represent our idea. We also studied and discussed on the subject of how our body affect space and the space affect our body.

We spent several weeks building and rebuilding our structure.

Nerve system of a human

Model under construction

Finished model

After the completion of this project, I had learned that architecture is not just about simply constructing something. A careful study on human proportion and comfort is needed for each architect's design.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

[Studio1] Project 1 : Self-Expression Through Object

Project 1 for Design Studio class requires me to identify and abstract a theme that represents myself and further construct a representational piece of artwork that has been refined from my idea through the process of interpretation.

First Design

My first step is to sketch whatever i think represents myself. in here i included anger, happiness, sorrow, music, books, and technology.

Second Design

After consulting with my tutor, I refined my idea by categorising my design into elements such as earth, fire, water, air, nature, and technology.

Final Design

My final artwork is derived from further simplifying my elements into mere coloured lines on a blank white canvas. During in-class presentation, I painted my artwork using acrylic paint in a scrapping motion down the canvas. 

[DCom] Integrated Project

Perspective Drawing 

Front Section

Side Section 1

Side Section 2

For my final studio project, I had to design a space and had to include a hand drawn presentation board for my final presentation. I chose to convey the information regarding my space using technical drawings that I had learned throughout the Design Communication class including lineweights and rendering techniques.

[DCom] Project 2C : Perspective

1 Point Perspective

2 Point Perspective

For the final project, I had acquired the knowledge on how to interpret and reproduce a 2 dimensional drawing into a 3 dimensional 1 point and 2 point perspective using approved method of work.

I also understood that producing perspective drawing is essential in providing a mean of communication between yourself and viewers who can't understand and picture technical drawings.

Throughout the whole class, I enjoyed drafting even though it took countless hours and sleepless nights to finish them.

[DCom] Project 2B : Axonometric Projection

Exploded Axonometric

Project 2B is a continuation of study of the same building by Mies Van Der Rohe. This project requires me to understand and interpret previous orthographic drawings and translate them into 3 dimensional drawings of an axonometric nature. I had also incorporate my previous knowledge on technical drawings into this project such as line weights and rendering methods.

Through this process of learning, I am able to communicate my intended drawing as a legible architectural drawing.

[DCom] Project 2A : Orthographic Projections

Floor Plan 

Site Plan

2 Elevation and 1 Section

2 Elevation and 1 Section

For Project 2A, I had studied the building called Barcelona Pavilion designed by the famous architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe and learned the basics of translating a building into technical drawing including all relevant architectural conventions and symbols. I had also learned to include information in the drawings such as line types, line weight and architectural lettering.

As addition, I applied what I had learnt from project 1 into project 2. Using various media, I rendered the 2 dimensional drawings to show depth and space.

[DCom] Project 1B : Tonal Values





In this next project, I explored the different techniques used to shade and produce various tonal depths and values in my drawing. This helps me to better understand the notion of space relating to architecture.

In my opinion, Stippling is the hardest technique to use out of the 4 but if used correctly, it can produce an outstanding quality of drawing.

[DCom] Project 1A : On Site Sketching

Taylor's University library

Putrajaya Mosque

My bedroom

View on my apartment balcony

At the start of the semester, the first project I had to do for Design Communication's class is to sketch a series of random perspective with 2 being indoor and 2 outdoor.

After completing this project, I had learn a thing or two about how to translate the things I see on to paper and how to give the sketches details such as depth.