Monday, July 13, 2015

[ToAU] Project Part 2: Analysing and Theorising Architecture

The subject emphasises architecture as a language with vocabulary, grammatical structure; both physical and intellectual. In other words, it carries messages and communicates meanings. In Part 2, Theories of chosen architects are analysed and applied to a given area of study in a 2000 word essay accompanied by diagrammatic boards.

With the completion of this project, I have understood that not all urban theory, whether modern or ancient, can be implemented in every city. The application depends on certain factors that would make it appropriate or otherwise.

[ToAU] Project Part 1: Analysing Self

This project asks students to select a defined area and see it “through the eyes” of one architect, urban designer or theoretician that was discussed in the lecture series. Students are asked to apply or translate design theories and historic urban design approaches onto this area using the chosen architect's theory. The application and translation were done through a graphical language and sketch design as well as a short reflective text of around 500 words.

  Board 1

Board 2

Through this project, I have learnt to produce critical analysis of architecture and urbanism in relation to relevant theories within the contemporary discourse of architecture.

[ToAU] Architecture Reading and Synopsis

Theories of Architecture and Urbanism

Main subject of studies in this module is the thematic inquiry into broader architectural theories from different philosophical school of thought, period or era, and different exposure of cultural and social condition from different places.
Different theories included :
Post Structuralis


Architecture Reading and Synopsis
From the study of these theories, is to have basis of understanding to analyse and examine specific cases and issues in modern architecture. This module include reading and in-depth analytical research paper on specific topic and theories, also analysis and generation of own theories from real life interview of modern days architect based on their work and philosophical thinking.

Synopsis Week 1

Synopsis Week 2

Synopsis Week 4